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Friday, August 3, 2012

Languages you never heard of before

You might be one those guys who know several languages, but I bet you probably don’t know this ones


there are just 8 people alive and they are from the same family who can speak this language which belongs to enchant inhabitants of the pyro, and by the way there is a dictionary for this one.

Faroe islands are located in Denmark, and the language they speak with is derived for the languages of northern Germany, there are 
about 45,000 people on this islands that can speak it.

This language is spoken by Indians n south Canada, there is only 50 person left who can speak it and most of them are alder making it facing extinction, what is wired  is that it’s a non-writable language.

A rare language , in past it was spoken by over 600,000 individual living in the spinach/ French borders, and it was written in Latin letters, this language has despaired.

This one is so much close to English because they had the same source which is West Germany, that’s way we find matching letters from both languages, people from Germany who live in Holland still speak this language.

Miao languages
A language spoken by few people in china, and it’s totally different from Chinese, enchant Latin letters is used to write this language.

Tok Pisin
Despite its small size the inhabitants of New Guinea speak over 800 languages​​, including the "Tok Pisin" it is similar to the English with less letters, it is one of the main languages ​​in Guinea in addition to English.  

One Of East Germany extinct languages, the characters used are similar the Greek and Latin.

This language is spoken by more than 11 million people in Niger and the Congo, a country whose citizens speak more than 1500 languages, each of these languages ​​have their own pronunciation just to prove  that this place is the source of the world's languages​​.   

Many does not know that the British of now is not the British that used to be, which was spoken by the citizens of Britain before entering the "Anglo-Saxon" They have to change features of the language and so the  " original British " changed into several languages ​​including English  and Welsh .

How to use Chopsticks

Asian Food is getting more and more popular every day, but the problem with some people today is that they cant use chopsticks, well here is demonstration video just in case you needed some help.

credits goes to geobeats

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Five things you can buy for low prices

There are some stuff that can’t be bought after it’ve been used like clothes and shoes, however there are some people who prefers to do so for the sake of saving money or maybe because they does not want to spend money on thinks he is not sure if he is going to like.

Musical instruments
If you was an amateur musician you would probably face some bumps which every musician have faced, the high price of musical instruments and studio equipment like microphones, that why most of artist tend to buy from websites or stores dedicated for stuff like this, so instead of paying tons of cash for a new microphone for example, try to find a used one but should be fully functioning, at the end the talent is what makes and artist no matter what he uses.

University books
All students know that it is kind of stupid to  buy a  book that you barley going to use it for an entire  semester, so it would be a good deal if you can find used books, it is much more cheap than new ones and will do the job.

Computers and cell phones
Some people wish they could buy new a pc or a phone but he will be always shocked by the realty of prices, therefore it would not kill if you find used ones because some pcs are still pretty good the only problem is that the owner wants to sell them in order to get better ones the same for cellphone they are always running after the latest models, by the way there are some companies that renew used pcs and sell them again, of course for a lower price.

Video games consoles

Video games prices range for 500 to 700 USD like the ps3 and Xbox, but if the person was a little bit patient and waited for let’s say two years maximum, he would probably find them for a price lower by 200 USD, but unfortunately  gamers are always exited and can’t wait that long.

Who does not agree with this idea, you can get a used car more easily than buying a new one just look for a good deal that’s all.

Small creatures but deadly

Although the following creatures appear to have a very peaceful and tiny bodies, it does not prevent making it a deadly  meaning it can feed on larger creatures after seting up traps.


You may not believe it, but there are predator starfishes, although they usually attack slow moving preys or none moving like snails, and Coral reefs, surprisingly it is able to catch faster and more intelligent creatures, such as shrimps and fishes, some starfish  hunt their food by extending its twisted arms like traps, other types has microscopic pliers that hold on the skin of other passing creatures, but the strangest of them all is those that stand  on its arms to mimic a tent, and when sea creatures go under  searching for shelter the starfish falls on it preventing it from running and then of course it swallows it up ..

sea squirts

the sea squirts are one of those creatures known for their stability in one place, they feed on plankton by filtering them from water by taking in water through its mouth and then out of an opening on top of its body, but in the deep sea there is was no plankton, which led to the evolution of these sea squirts to have a bigger mouths enough for bigger preys, they hunt them by closing their mouth when they pass by.

Sea Snail

The snails are considered the slowest creature on land , but marine species of it are pretty fast, they feed on some of the tentacles of jellyfishes which are highly toxic acquiring by that the toxic cells from it, as "cone snails" they can parlays fish and sometimes humans, there are also some predators snails on land, but rare, such as "rosy wolf snail" which feeds on other snails, and also there are the "ghost slug" which lives under the ground, it is blind and feeds on worms.

Coral reefs

Coral reefs always seemed to look like a sponge from the outside, but in reality they are colonies for many small sea creatures that usually feed on smaller creatures, coral reefs feed by grabbing jellyfishes from their huge tentacles that tries to feed on the colony inhabitants.

World’s weirdest snakes

You probably didn’t encounter a situation where you are face to face with a snake, only if you was a wild life expert, bear in mind that there are over 2700 kind of them, you might also think that all of them are poisonous, in matter fact they are not,  so in this topic we are about to see five wired kind of  them.

1-Pareas Iwasakii: 

this one lives in Japan, famous of its relatively huge head and wide jaws, his main food is snails.


also known as “stiletto”, ”Mole Viper” and "Burrowing Asp”, found in Africa, it is highly venomous and lives in the soil, this one does not open his jaws to when willing to release its  poison, but it has a hidden fangs which come out  when he wants to inject his prey before digesting.


also known as blind snakes, are non-venomous snake have a worm like shape with his mouth beneath his head, it ranges in size from 10-100 cm it feeds on soil insects.

4- Eunectes Murinus: 

one of the longest snakes in South America where it ranges for 16 to 30 ft. This reptile warps itself around the victim’s body and squeeze very hard not allowing it to breath causing death after that it swallows the prey living nothing behind.

Naja Ashei: 

one of the cobra's subfamily famous for its ability to spit poison, it usually targets the eyes in order to make the prey blind making it easy to catch, the naja ashei lives in Kenya with it body that reaches 9 ft. this one considered as one of the most dangerous snakes out there.  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Electronic Bongo Drum T-Shirt

for those who get board so fast waiting for the bus or someone , here is a solution. 

if you are a fan of the bongo drums, and always taping on your desk or your book, this shirt is provided with a cool drum bad on it, just tap on each drum and a different sound will come out, this t-shirt is powered by battery and made of pure cotton, this one is available for $59.95. the question is it waterproof ?


Thank to this game Bennett Foddy’s Web Site (former Cut Copy bassist) got Over 30 million hits…  

In this game you will take the role of an athlete called QWOP, for instance you might find that name weird but it was named after the controlling Keys you use to make him move Q,W,O and P, Picture this QWOP have to participate in the 100-meters sprint event at the Olympics games,  The Q and W keys each control one of the runner's thighs, while the O and P keys are responsible for the runner's calves.

Wait…, if you thought for a moment that this game is going to be easy think again, this one is classified as one of the most weird and hardest games ever, what made it officially one of the memes around in the internet.

My personal record in this game for running normally and not  in creep ways is 43.7 meters as shows on the left.
For those interested in giving it try go here.