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Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Thank to this game Bennett Foddy’s Web Site (former Cut Copy bassist) got Over 30 million hits…  

In this game you will take the role of an athlete called QWOP, for instance you might find that name weird but it was named after the controlling Keys you use to make him move Q,W,O and P, Picture this QWOP have to participate in the 100-meters sprint event at the Olympics games,  The Q and W keys each control one of the runner's thighs, while the O and P keys are responsible for the runner's calves.

Wait…, if you thought for a moment that this game is going to be easy think again, this one is classified as one of the most weird and hardest games ever, what made it officially one of the memes around in the internet.

My personal record in this game for running normally and not  in creep ways is 43.7 meters as shows on the left.
For those interested in giving it try go here.

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